Information For Authors

Information is provided below to help authors prepare to submit their scholarship to STiLE. Authors are advised to read the guidelines carefully. To submit, authors should register and log in to the STiLE online submission portal by clicking on the icons located on the top right-hand corner of the website. Guiding steps are provided within the portal for the process beyond initial submission. If any clarification or guidance is needed beyond what is provided, please get in touch with the editors.

The Style Guide provided here outlines expectations for text submissions, also applying to text within multimodal submissions to the extent to which this is possible. If your submission is written in a language other than English, please contact the Editor at for more information on the style guidelines.


These Guidelines define technical specifications, such as length, format and file size, and provide stylistic suggestions for video submissions, including guidelines for submitting a video abstract. If you would like to produce a video that does not correspond to the Guidelines, or some aspect of the Guidelines, please get in touch with the Editors before submission.


Guidelines are provided to give an overview of the aims of STiLE while also clarifying the expectations of each of the different types of Scholarship published by STiLE.

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The Reviewer Feedback form is a necessary tool to maintain the scholarly/professional standards of STiLE. Since the review policy of STiLE can be summed up as “revise until ready to publish”, reviewers are asked to be supportive, providing constructive feedback so that the contributors know what they need to do to reach the standards expected for publication.


Are you thinking of submitting to STiLE? The questions given here are intended to clarify what is expected in each of the categories of STiLE. They are offered to guide you, but are not intended as strict requirements. More information about each category can also be found on the Review Guidelines page. If you are preparing a submission that does not correspond to the Guidelines, or some aspect of the Guidelines, please get in touch with the Editors before submission.

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STiLE follows the CRediT ethos of Brand et al (2015) and Allen et al (2019) whereby the concept of ‘author’ is replaced by that of ‘contributors’ in recognition that no scholarly output is the product a single person working in isolation.

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All the materials (including, but not limited to articles, text, images, illustrations, audio clips, video clips, or data, all also known as “Content”) published or available on the STiLE website are protected by copyright and owned by us, the authors or the party credited as the provider of the Content. All Content published by us is under the CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No derivative 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), meaning that anyone may download and read the contribution for free. We do not grant you any other rights in relation to this website or the material on this website. In other words, all other rights are reserved.

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All published scholarly work is expected to have been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner. Contributors are expected to follow the ethical policy of their institution(s), providing explicit reference to ethical approval within the work.

Because publications can affect not only the academic community but also students  and, potentially, society at large, contributors have a responsibility to ensure that their work is honest, clear, accurate, complete and balanced, and should avoid misleading, selective or ambiguous reporting.

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This checklist is prepared for authors before they send their final submission. To help ensure timely publication, you are advised to read the production checklist carefully before submitting your final work to the online system. If the final submission does not reach the below requirements, your will be asked to resubmit your work.

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This checklist is prepared for authors before they send their final submission. To help ensure timely publication, you are advised to read the production checklist carefully before submitting your final work to the online system. If the final submission does not reach the below requirements, your will be asked to resubmit your work.

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