Contributor Statement

STiLE follows the CRediT ethos of Brand et al (2015) and Allen et al (2019) whereby the concept of ‘author’ is replaced by that of ‘contributors’ in recognition that no scholarly output is the product a single person working in isolation.

For each published output, the Platform will distinguish between Primary Responsibility and Acknowledgement as follows.

  • Primary Responsibility includes those who directly contributed to the project, which will cover the vast majority of the work involved.
  • Acknowledgment: for those who should be recognised for some level of help, but are not considered to have directly contributed to the project

While there are two sets of choices given below, you are welcome to borrow concepts from any set when giving attribution for your work.

If there are multiple authors, please indicate the contribution each person has made. Additionally, if you want to acknowledge somebody who is not an author, you can choose the ‘Other’ function.


Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The editorial team at STiLE recognizes the growing use and accessibility of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) within scholarly enquiry with the following guidelines for authors and editorial staff regarding GenAI engagement.

  1. Authors are required to actively consent to and accept responsibility for their contribution based on the CRediT taxonomy notion. Generative AI cannot be listed as an author on STiLE publications. Generative AI and other conventional editing services are not equipped to grasp the responsibilities or ethical obligations associated with authorship. Instead, the role of generative AI should be recognized and credited distinctly as an instrumental aid rather than a contributing author.
  2. Authors are obliged to credit the role of Generative AI tools in their published scholarly works explicitly. The incorporation of technologies like generative AI must be transparently and explicitly stated in the acknowledgments segment of the Contributor Statement on the Open Journal System (OJS). This section should specify the technology used, its purpose, and detail the particular role(s) it played, which might range from research design, data analysis, data visualization, to the drafting or refinement of text.
  3. Authors bear full responsibility for ensuring the precision, ethical soundness, and novelty of their scholarly articles, including the application of AI. It is imperative that authors verify that their utilization of generative AI respects all intellectual property laws and that due credit is given for any pre-existing models or datasets used. All uses of generative AI need to be aligned with STiLE’s ethical norms, particularly in avoiding data falsification, plagiarism, and the distortion of images or findings.
  4. Manuscripts that incorporate generative AI undergo the same thorough peer review as all submissions.
  5. Reviewers at STiLE are prohibited from employing Generative AI for the evaluation of articles. Distributing articles for review to external AI services could potentially violate the intellectual property rights of the authors.


Sample CRediT statement

Primary responsibility for the output is by the following contributors:

  • Janet Fung: Supervision, Writing - Original Draft
  • Arthur Long: Visualisation, Writing - Review & Editing

Acknowledgement of those without whom the output would have not been possible

  • Sandy Liu: Technical
  • Sophie Larsen: Participation (as Course Leader)
  • 32 students:  Participation


Choices for Primary Responsibility 

You may select one or more contributor roles for each author of a submission


Oversight and leadership responsibility for the scholarly activity, including planning and execution, could include mentorship within the project team


Development or design of approach and/or teaching materials, including delivery of lessons


Conducting the scholarship project, could include collecting data, exploration of existing literature, relevant issues, etc.

Formal analysis

Application of formal techniques to analyze or synthesize data, whether statistical, mathematical, computational, or other

Original Draft

Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the work, specifically writing/creating the initial draft

Review & Editing

Further preparation, creation and/or presentation of the work drafted by someone else in the project team – including pre- and post-publication stages


Preparation, creation and/or presentation of non-text multimodal aspects of the work

Other, please specify




Choices for Acknowledgement (Human Authors)


Support for technical needs of the project, including any software development required for the project

Project administration

Support for administrative and/or coordination needs of the project


Contribution to the project as a student, course instructor, etc to enable the scholarly activity

Funding acquisition

Acquisition of the financial support that allowed for the project to take place

Other, please specify




Choices for Acknowledgement (Gen AI)

Text creation / editing

Drafting, refining academic texts, and performing language editing tasks, improving efficiency and coherence

Data visualization

Creation of dynamic, interactive visual representations that can reveal complex relationships and patterns within academic data

Data analysis

Analyse or synthesize data, whether statistical, mathematical, computational, or other


Verification, whether as a part of the activity or separate, of the overall replication/ reproducibility of results/experiments and other research outputs


Ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching goals and aims


Identifying patterns in existing literature, suggesting hypotheses, and optimizing methodologies based on vast data analysis

Other, please specify

