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Contributor License


According to, Copyleft is a strategy of utilising copyright law to pursue the goal of fostering and encouraging the equal and inalienable right to copy, share, modify and improve creative works of authorship. If a copyleft licence is used, the covered work is allowed to be used, copied, modified and reproduced freely, which “creates something of a “chain” of free usage for subsequent users”.


Difference from Public Domain

According to, when work is released into the public domain, often through free downloads online, there is nothing stopping the person who downloads it from completely altering the work beyond recognition and “presenting a different program from what was originally intended”. Therefore, “copyleft provisions serve to preserve programs while allowing them to be distributed”.


Your Responsibilities as an Author 

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Your Choice as an Author

Open Access on STiLE

STiLE publishes fully open access papers and teaching materials, which means that all contents are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication with no article processing charges (APCs). Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author / Copyright-holder and the STiLE are properly credited. All articles in all journals are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

STiLE defines open access by the following conditions:

  • Literature is freely available without subscription or price barriers,
  • Literature is immediately released in open access format (no embargo period), and
  • Published material can be re-used without obtaining permission as long as a correct citation to the original publication is given.

All content published by STiLE is under the CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No derivative works 4.0 Hong Kong (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). These licenses allow you to use content and share it with others, with appropriate credit, but you can’t change it in any way or use it commercially.

Below are the details of the STiLE Contributor License: 

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