Reflection and sharing are inherent to teaching practice. We can benefit from evaluation of a new teaching strategy or initiative, both in terms of what worked and what didn’t work. We can also be inspired by thought-provoking consideration of issues and or ideas about teaching practice, or about scholarship of teaching and learning.
Volume 2, Issue 1, 20 January 2025
Generative AI and its Potential Implications for EAP Practitioner Scholarship
READ MOREVolume 2, Issue 1, 20 January 2025
Bridging the Gap between Pedagogy and Workplace Needs
隨著生成式人工智能工具的風潮席捲全球,關於如何革新現有的教育方式和未來教育走向的探討,成為了近年來的熱門話題。香港科技大學鼓勵教學人員使用生成式人工智能工具,語文教育中心在2023年初已經開始了相關的探索。本文僅以筆者負責設計開發的中文核心課程「職場實務中文運用」為例,探討以ChatGPT為代表的GenAI工具在實務中文寫作教學中的運用,並結合學生對在課程中使用ChatGPT效果的反饋進行反思,展望課程以及實務中文教學未來的發展方向。 This article describes the process of achieving Fellowship with BALEAP, and my personal repsonses to the process. For a university teacher of business English to both undergraduates and postgraduates, one of the biggest challenges is the lack of suitable books with authentic texts and updated information for demonstration/illustration of workplace texts and...